A Place Called Home
A deeper reflection of culture and society leads the mind to wonder about our greater needs versus our greater desires. While dream scaping is important, a greater emphasis on the self will illuminate your resilience to conjure the drive necessary to rebuild. These past two weeks, I’ve engaged in a soul revival through TikTok University which was sparked by an African American Professor breaking down class essentials and expectations to her students, while simultaneously crashing the internet. This indignation bloomed into a reservoir of higher education and lend to my discovery of a content creator whose focus is on Personal Growth and Glow-Up Mastery. As my desire to reconcile with my waking and higher self intensifies, I find myself in deep reflection and wonder. Keeping the pages of my healing buttered in a deeply reclusive journal feels like a security blanket yet the body and soul requires more. So, I am on the way to better healing with the foundation of my personal growth class while incorporating talk therapy.
“Mindfulness of the body leads to nirvana”
In the journey to find myself again at the other end of twenty, I’ve decided to empty the proverbial garbage and plunge the gung out of my body, spirit, and mind. What does this mean? It means cleaning up all wounds, sores, and traumas that have halted my life from moving forward. I should highlight that life progresses whether or not, the self chooses to recognize these changes. Now, is this easy? Absolutely not. There is a true burst of rebirth that happens when your goals of self-mastery is accomplished. The death of the ego yet not the self, is the aim. The soul doesn’t truly die but the habits and behaviors (ego) formed as a result of years of consistent use or misuse does. So, while there is no physical death, there is a death of desires that no longer serves you or is no longer congruent to the trajectory of your life. In this true death of my ego, I find myself lost reconciling with who I’m becoming. I considered that staying in the moment of transformation, and this collides with cognitive dissonance, since I wonder whether it’s even possible to move past personal disasters. Yet, my soul leaves a reminder that my addictions are what I am overcoming.
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.”
My search for home now leads me. Needing to be at rest with my soul whose journey is filled with pillars of becoming one’s true self. I've turn over so many opportunities in the pursuit of my higher self that I found myself forgetting the purpose for why it exists. The guide reminding me of how I used to run to the gate at the end of my grandmother’s garden when I was a child. To be in my mother’s womb again and be reminded that I am still a baby in the orifices of life and allowing myself to be reborn again but not without laying down a foundation rooted in a true love for myself as I am reminded by a loving professor. Of finding true love through the reconnection of the soul, mind, and self, I can see that home lies within the love of my life and myself and no matter while I may be led, I can return home to myself. This within the miracles of life is a real awakening and a deeper reflection of the self, tells me that my journey is beginning, and I am on my way, to my greater tomorrow.