Dear Readers,

This is a very sensitive and sensual thing to write. Who am I? Where did I come from? and Where am I going? But before we start, I want to warn you that this descriptive memoir, is a way to understand this deeply sensitive soul and is not a spiritual declaration nor an unraveling of events. If you are someone who finds it difficult to relive traumatic events, then skip to the end, or enjoy my selection of specific topics found under the Journal tab.

Okay, lets get started.

Firstly, I want to welcome you to my Home Diary, The Malisattva. It was created by myself as a place to weave out the events of my life and my current understanding of the world as I see it. It bloomed in the middle of a lost ran devoir in the desert. Which desert, you might ask? The desert of life and one major one, the Mojave Desert of Arizona. I believe it’s important that my readers understand the dark, twisted, and beautiful aspects of being lost to the climax of abduction and these details are the very precipice of dying and healing. So, this telling will demonstrate the delicacies of transformation and rebirth. And is an invitation to my readers to understand myself within the closest visceral of how I view myself, and my life.

I go by many names, but lets start with the simplest one — Malika Blackwood. She was born in St. Andrews, Jamaica with one ear to the sky and another to the cloud with both feet dancing towards the rushing windfall of life. I was not a solo pair. I come with a very loving and spontaneously charming twin sister who always reminds me of the magic of life with her cool yet sharp exterior, and gentle but determined view of life. But this About page isn’t about her, or any one else, so let’s get back to the matter at hand, — mwah.

After six years developing my young landscape of ideas, philosophies, and thought, my sister and I relocated to United Kingdom where we stayed until moving to the United States to build our lives with our Dad. He’s my loving protector and despite all that I’ve put him though, he still remains the man of life. You see, I was born with dyslexia so school was always a challenge for me, yet it didn’t stop me from attending the best schools in Miami. As a young cosmic dreamer, I excelled in Biology, Chemistry, and Geography. Which led me to study courses in Business Development and Management, Agriculture, Advanced and Applied Mathematics, Physics and American Literature at my magnet Middle School between the ages of 10 and 13. Magnet Schools are focused on the advancement of a child’s academic skill through the enrichment of specialized programs that are geared for students with advanced or gifted abilities. I found myself very lucky here. I later attended two specialized programs for High School and graduated with my Associate Degree at 17.

In College, like many ingenue, I experimented with my hair, body, and my brain. It lead to the development of some very serious mental illnesses that has survived until this current time. At 29, I have been incarcerated, love-bound, and homeless. Yet, my journey persists and I found gratitude as a remedy for most of the chaos along the way. I hope you understand that the complexities of my disposition is a formality of my own abuse and the challenge of my future is a reflection of my growth through expression, wisdom, and healing. The world can be a brutal place for someone prone to Hurricane season and I am a mere vessel for the changes of life when left unencumbered.

— Malika Blackwood

Tucson, Arizona